Terms & Conditions

SSCP and SSAB Terms and Conditions

Our respective training strategies  are designed with a view to engage, upskill and raise confidence of professionals in Sunderland who work with vulnerable people, from children to adults, their families and carers. Our training offer will support our workforce in the short, mid and long term with their knowledge and skills, especially within each area of our joint strategic priorities.

We offer a range of Sunderland specific learning opportunities and training sessions. External training opportunities are also offered throughout the year on an ad-hoc basis.

Principles within training are underpinned by:

  • Signs of Safety method of working with children, young people and their families in Sunderland. The aim is to help workers build positive relationships and work in partnership with children, and their important grown-ups by using a strengths-based, solution-focused questioning approach that is grounded in everyday lives of children.
  • Care Act (2014) and Statutory Guidance, to ensure the training is provided for staff an volunteers on the policy, procedures and professional practices that are in place locally, which reflects their roles and responsibilities in safeguarding adults arrangements.

SSCP training and learning is free of charge to any professional working with children, young people, and professionals throughout Sunderland.

SSAB classroom-based training sessions cost £20 per person/per sessions (exclusions apply) -  an invoice will be raised for your organisation after the training has taken place.

Attendance Policy

To ensure all multi-agency training is effective and of excellent quality it is essential that practitioners from all agencies engage in the training to share different experiences and engage in opportunities. To that end, the SSCP has introduced an Attendance Policy to address the number of practitioners booking on to training but not attending.

This document briefly sets out the responsibilities of the SSCP in providing training to partners, and the expectations of partners.

SSCP Business Unit responsibilities:

  • Offer a range of quality training opportunities, in line with our strategic priorities
  • Ensure that all training is accessible
  • Provide waiting lists for sessions and be flexible with the training calendar
  • Take registers and report on attendance data to the Performance & Quality Assurance Group
  • Provide an accessible booking system
  • Monitor evaluations and adapt training based on feedback
  • Review, reflect and update sessions regularly based on local and national context.

SSAB responsibilities

To promote multi-agency training that ensures a common understanding of abuse and neglect and appropriate responses

To ensure that learning from reviews undertaken in Sunderland are implemented in SSAB multi-agency training

To identify and analyse training needs in relation to safeguarding adults, Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)

To commission multi-agency safeguarding adults training to meet the requirements of SSAB

Ensure training courses are modified in response to evaluation or changes in legislation, guidance or practice resulting from Safeguarding Adult Reviews or similar

 Ensure consistent and standardised training across agencies, that is congruent with current legislation, guidance and SSAB’s Training Strategy

evaluate the quality, scope and effectiveness of SSAB multi-agency training, and receive regular data for inclusion in the quarterly Performance Report

Delegates' responsibilities:

  • Seek permission from your manager to attend the training and include your manager’s details when booking any sessions
  • Make the SSCP business unit or Learning and Skills Service aware of any additional needs prior to attendance. These may include, but are not limited to, dietary, sensory or mobility needs.
  • Participate fully in the training event. If online, trainer reserves the right to mark as unattended if there is no evidence of participation i.e. camera and volume off, no chat.
  • Provide feedback on the training when prompted by the SSCP Business Unit and/or Learning and Skills Service on behalf of SSAB


 If you find yourself unable to attend your booked training session:

  • In the first instance, offer the place to a colleague and alert the SSCP Business Unit or Learning and Skills Service of the change of delegate
  • Please give two working days’ notice of a cancellation where no substitute delegate can be sent.
  • All cancellations with no substitute must be authorised by a Manager
  • Cancellations outside of two working days must be made on the training account
  • Please note: cancellations by phone or text will not be accepted nor will a decline of calendar invitation



Please note the following cancellation charges will apply:

  • Cancellation and a substitute delegate sent – no charge
  • Cancellation with two working days’ notice and authorised by a manager – no charge
  • Non-attendance or late cancellation - full day training - £50 (SSCP), £20 (SSAB)
  • Non-attendance or late cancellation - half day training - £25 (SSCP)


Late Arrival/Leaving Early

If you are more than half an hour late a non-attendance charge may be levied and you will not be permitted to stay for the duration of the course.

Delegates, who leave early, with more than one hour of the course remaining will be deemed to have not completed the training and therefore, will not receive certificate of attendance.


Appeals Process

The SSCP and SSAB are committed to reducing the level of non-attendance and late cancellations.  It is accepted there will be exceptional circumstances when delegates are justifiably unable to attend at short notice.  Delegate’s line managers are expected to appeal in writing to the SSCP Business Unit or Learning and Skills Service, on behalf of SSAB, within 5 days of receipt of notification of non-attendance.  Appeals will be considered on a case by case basis. 

Non Compliance with Cancellation Policy

Organisations failing to comply with the SSCP and SSAB cancellation policy will not be able to access SSCP or SSAB training in the future.